Loto Description and Dimensions
Just like flower sprouts and blooms, the Loto Modern Motion Sectional Sofa will change depending on the season and on the home. This one of a kind mid century modern leather sectional is both u shaped leather sectional and an easy-to-rearrange leather sofa bed. From a nice, rich caramel leather sofa to a more vibrant brown leather sofa. Choose your favorite color and match this customizable modular leather sofa to match your home. As a deep oversized sectional, this l shaped leather couch features a large leather chaise lounge chair, making this foot rest couch the perfect place to stretch out when relaxing.
The Loto Italian sofa and lounge sectional with leather chaise is an ideal centerpiece for any home. This deep seat couch can be made to be configured as a camel leather sofa or a camel leather sectional. Add on or subtract pieces from this leather chesterfield sofa to make it the perfect fit for any spacious living room or to make it a small apartment sectional. Consider all formal living room ideas, what better way to equip yourself than with this stylish pit sectional sofa. By combining the l shaped leather sectional with the plush leather chaise lounge, it allows this deep sofa couch to also become a chaise sofa bed. Introducing MoFit Home and our Modern Motion Furniture Collection.